1. Introduction : Historicity of Jesus the Christ ; Scope and purpose of the present treatise
2. Preexistence and foreordination of the Christ : Antemortal existence of spirits ; Primeval council in heaven ; Rebellion of Lucifer ; His defeat and expulsion ; Free agency of man assured ; The Beloved Son chosen to be the Savior and Redeemer of mankind
3. The need of a redeemer : Spirits of diverse capacities ; Entrance of sin into the world foreseen ; God's foreknowledge not a determining cause ; Creation of man in the flesh ; Fall of man ; Atonement necessary ; Jesus Christ the only being eligible as Redeemer and Savior ; Universal resurrection provided
4. The antemortal godship of Christ : The Godhead ; Jesus Christ the word of power ; Jesus Christ the creator ; Jehovah ; The eternal I Am ; Proclamations of Jesus Christ by the Father
5. Earthly advent of the Christ predicted : Biblical prophecies ; Revelation to Enoch ; The prophet predicted by Moses ; Sacrifices as prototypes ; Book of Mormon predictions
6. The meridian of time : Significance of the designation ; Epitome of Israel's history ; Jews in vassalage to Rome ; Scribes and rabbis ; Pharisees and Sadducees ; Other sects and parties
7. Gabriel's annunciation of John and of Jesus : Angelic visitation to Zacharias ; Birth of John the forerunner ; Annunciation to Mary the Virgin ; Mary and Joseph ; Their genealogies ; Jesus Christ heir to the throne of David
8. The babe of Bethlehem : Birth of Jesus Christ ; His presentation in the temple ; Visit of the magi ; Herod's evil designs ; The child taken into Egypt ; Birth of Christ made known to Nephites ; Time of the birth
9. The boy of Nazareth : Jesus to be called a Nazarene ; At the temple when twelve years of age ; Jesus and the doctors of the law ; Jesus of Nazareth
10. In the wilderness of Judea : John the Baptist ; The voice in the wilderness ; The baptism of Jesus ; The Father's proclamation ; Descent of the Holy Ghost ; Sign of the dove ; Temptations of Christ.
11. From Judea to Galilee : John the Baptist's testimony of Christ ; First disciples ; The Son of Man, significance of title ; Miracle of transmuting water into wine ; Miracles in general
12. Early incidents in our Lord's public ministry : First clearing of the temple ; Jesus and Nicodemus ; John the Baptist's disciples in disputation ; John's tribute to and his repeated testimony of the Christ
13. Honored by strangers, rejected by his own : Jesus and the Samaritan woman ; Among the Samaritans ; While at Cana Christ heals a nobleman's son in Capernaum ; At Nazareth Christ preaches in the synagog ; Nazarenes attempt to kill him ; Demons subdued in Capernaum ; Demoniacal possession
14. Continuation of our Lord's ministry in Galilee : A leper healed ; Leprosy ; Palsied man healed and forgiven ; Imputation on blasphemy ; Publicans and sinners ; Old cloth, old bottles, and the new ; Preliminary call of disciples ; Fishers of men
15. Lord of the Sabbath : Sabbath distinctively sacred to Israel ; Cripple healed on Sabbath day ; Accusations by the Jews and the Lord's reply thereto ; Disciples charged with Sabbath-breaking ; Man with a withered hand healed on Sabbath day
16. The chosen twelve : Their call and ordination ; The twelve considered individually ; Their characteristics in general ; Disciples and apostles
17. The sermon on the mount : The beatitudes ; Dignity and responsibility in the ministry ; The Mosaic law is superseded by the gospel of Christ ; Sincerity of purpose ; The Lord's Prayer ; True wealth ; Promise and re-assurance ; Heading and doing
18. As one having authority : Healing of centurion's servant ; Young man of Nain raised from the dead ; John the Baptist's message of Jesus ; The Lord's commentary thereon ; Death of John the Baptist ; Jesus in house of Simon the Pharisee ; Penitent woman forgiven ; Christ's authority ascribed to Beelzebub ; The sin against the Holy Ghost ; Sign-seekers
19. "He spake many thing unto them in parables" : The sower ; Wheat the tares ; The seed growing secretly ; Mustard seed ; Leaven ; Hidden treasure ; The pearl of great price ; Gospel net ; The Lord's purpose in parabolic teaching ; Parables in general
20. "Peace, be still" : Candidates for discipleship ; Stilling the storm ; Quieting the demons in region of Gadara ; Raising of daughter of Jairus ; Restoration to life and resurrection ; A woman healed amidst the throng ; Blind see and dumb speak.
21. The apostolic mission and events related thereto : Jesus again in Nazareth ; The twelve charged and sent out ; Their return ; Five thousand people miraculously fed ; Miracle of walking upon the water ; People seed Christ for more loaves and fishes ; Christ the bread of life ; Many disciples turn away
22. A period of darkening opposition : Ceremonial washings ; Pharisees rebuked ; Jesus in borders of Tyre and Sidon ; Daughter of Syro-Phenician woman healed ; Miracles wrought in coasts of Decapolis ; Four thousand people miraculously fed ; More seekers after signs ; Leaven of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians ; Peter's great confession ; "Thou art the Christ"
23. The transfiguration : Visitation of Moses and Elijah ; The Father again proclaims the Son ; The apostles temporarily restrained from testifying concerning the transfiguration ; Elias and Elijah ; The lesser and the higher priesthood
24. From sunshine to shadow : Youthful demoniac healed ; Further prediction of Christ's death and resurrection ; The tribute money ; Supplied by a miracle ; Humility illustrated by a little child ; Parable of the lost sheep ; In Christ's name ; My brother and I ; Parable of the unmerciful servant
25. Jesus again in Jerusalem : Departure from Galilee ; At the feast of tabernacles ; Another charge of Sabbath desecration ; Living water for the spiritually thirsty ; Plans to arrest Jesus ; Nicodemus protests ; Woman taken in adultery ; Christ the light of the world ; The truth shall make men free ; Christs's seniority over Abraham ; Sight restored on Sabbath day ; Physical and spiritual blindness ; Shepherd and sheep-herder ; Christ the Good Shepherd ; His inherent power over life and death ; Sheep of another fold
26. Our Lord's ministry in Perea and Judea : Jesus rejected in Samaria ; James and John reproved for revengeful desire ; The seventy are charged and sent ; Their return ; A lawyer's question ; Parable of the Good Samaritan ; Martha and Mary ; Ask and receive ; Parable of the friend at midnight ; Criticism of Pharisees and lawyers ; Parable of foolish rich man ; The unrepentant to perish ; Parable of the barren fig tree ; A woman healed on the Sabbath ; Many or few to be saved? ; Jesus warned of Herod's design
27. Continuation of the Perean and Judean ministry : In the house of one of the chief Pharisees ; Parable of the great supper ; Counting the cost ; Salvation even for publicans and sinners ; Parable of the lost sheep is repeated ; Of the lost coin ; Of the prodigal son ; Of the unrighteous steward ; Of the rich man and Lazarus ; Of the unprofitable servants ; Ten lepers healed ; Parable of the Pharisee and Publican ; On marriage and divorce ; Jesus and the little ones ; The rich young ruler ; First may be last and last first ; Parable of the laborers.
28. The last winter : At the feast of dedication ; Sheep know the shepherd's voice ; The Lord's retirement in Perea ; Lazarus raised from the dead ; Jewish hierarchy agitated over the mirable ; Prophecy by Caiaphas, the high priest ; Jesus in retirement at Ephraim
29. On to Jerusalem : Jesus again foretells his death and resurrection ; Aspiring request of James and John ; Sight restored near Jericho ; Zaccheus the chief publican ; Parable of the pounds ; The supper in the house of Simon the leper ; Mary's tribute in anointing Jesus ; Iscariot's protest ; Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem ; Certain Greeks seek interview with Jesus ; The voice from heaven
30. Jesus returns to the temple daily : A leafy but fruitless fig tree is cursed ; Second clearing of the temple ; Children shout hosanna ; Christ's authority challenged by the rulers ; Parable of the two sons ; Of the wicked husbandmen ; The rejected stone to be head of the corner ; Parable of the royal marriage feast ; The wedding garment lacking
31. The close of our Lord's public ministry : Pharisees and Herodians in conspiracy ; Caesar to have his due ; The image on the coin ; Sadducees and the resurrection ; Levirate marriages ; The great commandment ; Jesus turns questioner ; Scathing denunciation of the scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! ; Lamentation over Jerusalem ; The widow's mites ; Christ's final withdrawal from temple ; Destruction of temple predicted
32. Further instruction to the apostles : Prophecies relating to destruction of Jerusalem and the Lord's future advent ; Watch! ; Parable of the ten virgins ; Of the entrusted talents ; The inevitable judgment ; Another and specific prediction of the Lord's impending death
33. The last supper and the betrayal : Judas Iscariot in conspiracy with the Jews ; Preparations for the Lord's last Passover ; The last supper of Jesus with the twelve ; The traitor designated ; Ordinance of washing of feet ; Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ; The betrayer goes out into the night ; Discourse following the supper ; The high-priestly prayer ; The Lord's agony in Gethsemane ; The betrayal and the arrest
34. The trial and condemnation : The Jewish trial ; Christ before Annas and Caiaphas ; The illegal night court ; The morning session ; False witnesses and unrighteous conviction ; Peter's denial of his Lord ; Christ's first arraignment before Pilate ; Before Herod ; Second appearance before Pilate ; Pilate's surrender to Jewish clamor ; The sentence of crucifixion ; Suicide of Judas Iscariot
35. Death and burial : On the way to Calvary ; The Lord's address to the daughters of Jerusalem ; The crucifixion ; Occurrences between the Lord's death and burial ; The burial ; The sepulchre guarded.
36. In the realm of disembodied spirits : Actuality of the Lord's death ; Condition of spirits between death and resurrection ; The Savior among the dead ; The gospel preached to the spirits in prison
37. The resurrection and the ascension : Christ is risen ; The women at the sepulchre ; Angelic communications ; The risen Lord is seen by Mary Magdalene and by other women ; A priestly conspiracy of falsehood ; The Lord and two disciples on the Emmaus road ; He appears to disciples in Jerusalem and eats in their presence ; Doubting Thomas ; The Lord appears to the apostles at the sea of Tiberias ; Other manifestations in Balilee ; Final commission to the apostles ; The ascention
38. The apostolic ministry : Matthias ordained to the apostleship ; Bestowal of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost ; The apostles' preaching ; Jesus is imprisoned and delivered ; Gamaliel's advice to the council ; Stephen the martyr ; Saul of Tarsus, his conversion ; Saul becomes Paul the apostle ; The record written by John the Revelator ; Close of the apostolic ministry
39. Ministry of the resurrected Christ on the western hemisphere : The Lord's death signalized by great calamities on western continent ; The voice of the Lord Jesus Christ heard ; His visitations to the Nephites ; The Nephite twelve ; Baptism among Nephites ; The Mosaic law fulfilled ; Address to Nephites compared with sermon on the Mount ; Sacrament of bread and wine instituted among Nephites ; Name of Christ's Church ; The three Nephites ; Growth of the Church ; Final apostasy of Nephite nation
40. The long night of apostasy : The great falling away as predicted ; Individual apostasy from the Church ; Apostasy of the Church ; Constantine makes Christianity the religion of state ; Papal claims to secular authority ; Churchly tyranny ; The Dark Ages ; The inevitable revolt ; The Reformation ; Rise of Church of England ; Catholicism and Protestantism ; The apostasy affirmed ; Mission of Columbus and the Pilgrim fathers predicted in ancient scripture ; Fulfillment of the prophecies ; Establishment of American nation provided for
41. Personal manifestations of God the eternal father and of his son Jesus Christ in modern times : A new dispensation ; Joseph Smith's perplexity over sectarian strife ; The eternal father and his son Jesus Christ appear to and personally instruct Joseph Smith ; Visitation of Moroni ; The Book of Mormon ; Aaronic priesthood restored by John the Baptist ; Melchizedek priesthood restored by Peter, James, and John ; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ; Divine manifestations in Kirtland Temple ; The Lord Jesus Christ appears ; Specific authority of olden dispensations conferred by Moses, Elias, and Elijah ; The holy priesthood now operative on earch
42. Jesus the Christ to return : Ancient predictions of the Lord's second advent ; Modern revelation affirms the same ; Today and tomorrow ; The great and dreadful day near at hand ; Kingdom of God and Kingdom ; The millennium ; The celestial consummation.